Qualified Medical Evaluator and Agreed Medical Evaluator

Qualified Medical Evaluator and Agreed Medical Evaluator

What does QME/AME stand for?

QME stands for Qualified Medical Evaluator, a certified doctor from the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) Medical Unit. Suppose an employee is injured while at work and a dispute arises over a worker's compensation, then a certified doctor from the panel is called upon. QME examines the workers to see if they can receive compensation. This prevails in Workers' Compensation cases; any employee injured while working can ask for it if the employer disagrees with your injury. A QME is a certified doctor and can be a dentist, doctor of osteopathy, doctor of chiropractic, optometrist, podiatrist, psychologist, and acupuncturist.

Patient undergoing Qualified Medical Evaluator and Agreed Medical Evaluator at ReMeDy Medical Group

Meanwhile, an AME is Agreed Medical Evaluator when the employee is injured at work, and both parties agree upon the same medical evaluator to evaluate the employee and perform an independent medical examination. In this case, an attorney and the claims administrator may agree upon a doctor rather than undergoing the state system to choose QME.

What Happens During a QME/AME Evaluation?

Both qualified and agreed medical evaluators will thoroughly examine the worker to find out about your work-related injuries. Any pre-existing conditions, medical history, signs, or symptoms will be evaluated during the examination. QME/AME may also ask personal questions about how your life has been affected after the incident. If required, the patient can be re-evaluated for any imaging or scans and may undergo it again. The severity of your injury will be assessed, and if any signs of disability come up or not. The process to evaluate the patient will be similar; however, whether to go for QME or AME will differ and depend on the situation and agreement of the involved parties.

This is where we come in, as we respect and care for our patients. Our physicians are determined to provide you with the most comprehensive evaluations. Think of us as the trusted ones during the entire medical-legal process. We build relationships with our patients so they feel comfortable throughout the evaluation process.

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